Thursday, October 22, 2020

Maggot's Work - A poem. A story. A life.


 Maggot's Work


 I’ll clean this up, assures the maggot

The voice whispers in my ear as I pick myself up

After a sucker punching shadow grew from my candle

Standing in a field I continue the work

I train a sun dog to sit

I dance with Grendel

I absolve a murder of crows


I’ll clean this up, assures the maggot

The voice whispers in my ear as I pick myself up

After a pleading shadow clawed at my feet

Standing on a road I continue the work

I buy a value

I cheat a mettle detector

I reflect on a mirror


I’ll clean this up, assures the maggot

The voice whispers in my family’s ear as I am lowered

After a light stepped out from the shadow in my eyes

Lying under a low ceiling I continue the work

I count the sand of the world

I hold tight to a moment

I ask for more





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